Accessories for shelter and doors

Micro chiave PIZZATO

Micro chiave PIZZATO

Supporto triangolare regolabile con cursore M5

Adjustable Triangular Support with Cursor M5

Cricchetto di chiusura

Closing ratchet


Maniglia chiusa

Closed Grip black-gray

Maniglia chiusa

Closed Grip blak-orange

Maniglie a tubo in alluminio – lunghezza a richiesta

Aluminum tube handles - length on

Maniglie a tubo in alluminio – lunghezza a richiesta

Aluminum tube handles - length on request sp1.5

Cerniera frizionata

friction hinge

Cerniera con inserti M5

Hinge with M5 inserts

full-length zipper exposed protection RIF4

full-length zipper exposed protection RIF5

full-length zipper exposed protection RIF.3

full-length zipper exposed protection RIF2

full-length zipper exposed protection RIF1

full-length zipper exposed protection RIF1